
This website is made for bicycle stamps collectors. You do not know what these are? Well - Bicycle stamps collectors are mostly both: philatelists and cyclists. On rainy days, in winter and generally with increasing age the focus shifts more towards philately. They belong to an endangered species with a large surplus of males. Their number is estimated to be 15 to 20 beings worldwide. However, there are no exact figures. Since no organization works to preserve this species, this website wants to give them a home. Here bicycle stamps collectors find everything they need:  contacts, information, ...  Interested? Then please come in - you are always welcome.

Please register your new residence by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Registration is free and without any financial obligations. After registration you get the key for all rooms. A monthly rent in $, € or ruble is not to be paid but any kind of feedback is always welcome. Information is the building material that keeps this website an attractive home. Please communicate new issues, links, publications, events/exhibitions, criticism, corrections, ... simply everything. Questions are of course welcome too. Use your native language if you like.

Collectors are most interested in new issues and the catalog (to view these chapters you have to be logged in). The new issues should actually be called "new discoveries", because there are still bicycle stamps found from past years and even decades. Especially the chapter NEW-ENTRIES lives from your support: therefore please report all discoveries, even if you are not sure whether they are already known or not. The chapter NEW ENTRIES is updated daily. The CATALOG with more than 30 000 entries (each with a picture) includes stamps, postal stationeries, perfins, meter stamps, encased money, etc. The catalog is updated every two months.

All the best in your new home, Arnoldt Rehm.