.                          RE15190


 Catalog no. RE15190
 Country India
 Date 01.01.1950
 Face value - (schwarz)
Category 2.1.0 Mail Transport / Special Messenger Services
 Type unidentified, info please to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 MICHEL no.no permission - if interested contact  Michel-Katalog
 SCOTT no.no answer        - if interested contactscott-bicycle-philately-stamps-catalog
 YVERT no. -
 Remark http://alphabetilately.org/Cisfor/bicycles/Czyl.jpg aus Czyl-Sammlung aus Czyl-Sammlung (ebay-Verkäufer: alphaomegaphilately): waren auf gleicher Seite wie die Schuhgrößen-Etiketts gesteckt; vielleicht ein Laufrad? --- The stamps came to me in a lot from the estate of Jim Czyl, a famous cinderella collector. It was a lot of 100 bulging binders with stock pages.There were no notes. Some of the binders contained a single country or entity. Some had several countries in a binder arranged alphabetically. Jim Cyzl was quite knowledgeable & was considered an expert on cinderellas of all types. He put these in the J file & not in the India file. I presumed they were from Japan as I have seen similar inspection labels of Japan before for other products. I still have that stock page. It contained some similar looking non bicycle stamps also. I'll send you a scan of the page. The other labels might have a clue as to their origin
 BS Magazine4_34, 5_11, 5_13, 7_10, 9B_28, 24B_15, 54_22, 81_20
LinkMysterious Bicycle Stamp