.                          RE31452
New Zealand


 Catalog no.  RE31452
 Country  New Zealand
 Date  01.01.2011
 Face value  2.40
Category  8.0.0 Daily Use, Street Scenes
 Type  local personalized stamp
 MICHEL no. no permission
 SCOTT no. no permission
 YVERT no.  -
 Remark  Straßenszenen NZM - New Zealand Mail - New Zealand Mail postal products can be can be posted anywhere within New Zealand, in any New Zealand Post Street Posting Boxes - Christchurch Imprint: NZM 01/11 1853 - further issue dates: 01.08.2010 (Imprint: NZM 08/10 1853) - 01.07.2011 (Imprint: NZM 07/11 1853) - 01.08.2011 (Imprint: NZM 08/11 1853) - 01.04.2014 (Imprint: NZM 04/14 1853) -
 BS Magazine -
Link New Zealand Mail